Subject Area
Marine Science...Ocean Explorers
(OSHC/Vacation care) Biological Science...
Senior Science...
Year Level
1-3, 4-6
1-3, 4-6
Gr 3
4-6, 7-10
1, 5, 6
1-3, 4-6
7 - 9
Adaptations & Habitats More info...
Comparing lifecycles of marine animals... More info...
Extreme environments/adaptations More info...
Fun games, Animal facts & secret learning! More info...
Why are wetlands important? What is their role? What animals live there? More info...
Exploring habitats & adaptations More info...
Lifecycle stages of frogs, plants & protecting our environment! More info...
Classifying the major animal phyla, identifying 'what's alive & whats not!' More info...
Nocturnal animals, discovering behaviours and adaptations of Australian native animals. More info...
Food webs, feeding relationships, human impacts. More info...
Structure & function of both animal & plant cells. Organelle & specialised cells. More info...
Senior level scientific classification, food webs, trophic levels and human impacts. More info...
Extreme environments/adaptations. The weird creatures in the oceans depths have got it all figured out! More info...
No more grossed out students or frog lives lost!
Students can virtually dissect a frog and identify its internal anatomy. We also compare with a human, fish and sea star. More info... |
Find worksheets and post visit resources HERE.
Lesson Format...
~ All lessons run for approx. 1 hour.
~ Our lesson format includes group discussion & educator lead questioning interspersed with the use of VR equipment to highlight focus areas.
~ Additional worksheets / quizzes are available on our website for older groups.
~ The use of VR equipment for each student does not exceed a 15min block, which follows product use guidelines.
~ We ensure students take breaks from using VR goggles and try to incorporate physical activity where possible.
~ We also allow for some "free-choice" time at the end of the lesson for students to watch VR videos of their own choosing.